1961 photos from World Book Encyclopedia Annual Supplement on my bookshelf showing victim of Castro regime moments before his execution (with clergyman saying the last words of sympathy to victim), photo by UPI won Pulitzer Prize that year; photo of Castro with Soviet leader Khrushchev in 1961; My barely-legible 1990 Terrorism class notes from Jerusalem. We discussed some of Castro's terror tactics in that class, like the tragic one in image shown here.
Unpublished class notes from Hebrew University in Jerusalem, by Lurene K. Helzer, March 18, 1990, Terrorism. I am starting to find some of my old notes now from Hebrew University, though I still have not yet found any (probably poor-work quality) papers I wrote.
The class notes are written in pencil, so barely today legible. But I was able to make them out using bright light and special eye glasses on October 27, 2009. Since these notes are all handwritten, fading, I need to get them into this library immediately now that they are found. They at least show I was in class, paying attention!! Some of lecture material below:
March 18, 1990
Terrorism – “reign of terror”, atrocities by Jacobins in French revolution 1793-1794.
1366 people beheaded – even statues!
Latin root – terrere.
Degrees of fear – 4 degrees in psychiatry. The idea of terrorism is to terrorize; induce terror.
Russian Revolutionaries and Anarchists first used terrorism. 19th Century roots.
Levels of terrorism:
1) As a practice – killing to instill fear. Goes far back.
2) As Tactics – to achieve limited goals, planned.
3) As Strategy – main activity of an organization or group. Came out in new left of 1960s – Red Brigade, etc. Came to life in early 70s.
Whoever is engaged in these practices are terrorists – who ever they may be. Not moral term.
In most terrorist activities:
1) Extreme violence; killing.
2) Unconventional extreme violence. Unconventional uses of violence. Usu. rules of war do not apply. Before Geneva Convention, laws of war were sometimes quite strict. Military –vs- military. Terrorism usually against civilians.
3) Purpose of terrorism is to terrify people, not so much to kill. Impress a much larger crowd than the actual victims. (Target crowd, victim, terrorists, observers. Symbiosis between terrorism and the media. The real essence is the message.
4) Political component. Against or by a regime.
There is Israeli terrorism. The Intifadah is not terrorism, though specific acts of terrorism occur...
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